1. you must have faad and lame files installed in your system .
2. to convert foo.mp4 to foo.wav write as faad foo.mp4
3. next, to convert the .wav file to .mp3 , write as lame foo.wav foo.mp3
and yupiee you are done with
hope this was useful
enjoy linux :)
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Converting mp4 to mp3 in linux
Saturday, November 21, 2009
upgrading Bios(post+bios+setup)
hi folks, i was trying to upgrade my BIOS programme when i came across this wonderful site .It really provided a great help in understanding what BIOS is and how to correctly update it .Moreover it also provides links to various hardware tools . Thumbs up to these people
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Step 1 : Become the super user
Step 2 : make a directory where you want to mount the image file e.g. cd /mnt
mkdir dir
Step 3 : mount the iso file as: mount -o loop filename.iso /mnt/dir
A loop device is a pseudo-device that makes a file accessible as a block device. Loop devices are often used for CD ISO images and floppy disc images. Mounting a file containing a filesystem via such a loop mount makes the files within that filesystem accessible. They appear in the mount point directory using above commands.
whoa your done ! congrats you've just mounted an iso file in linux without any extra software!
Friday, November 13, 2009
any problem when updating to new firefox in fedora?
The next problem i faced was that the quick launch icon on my desktop couldn't find any such process so i followed as:
System->Preferences->Look and Feel->Main Menu->Internet
then right click on the firefox option and on the properties part add the path to the new firefox file in the command option and there you go!
hope this was useful
Be open and spread openware!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Pirates of the Silicon Valley
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Play with mp3 files in linux
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Water crisis!
I too joined the long run but it was too late.There was no water in the hostel and then Ravi,Anand and I decided that we must venture out other halls for they should be our only rescue.We went to hall 6, the best of halls,but to our despair,the condition there was no good.
Finally we went to hall 3 and by God's grace, we could finally answer to Nature's call and take bath.. Oh! how do they live without water in some places? Come on folks,it's high time that start taking these things seriously.Use water wisely!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Enjyoing @ IOTA
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Protect your grub!
type " /sbin/grub-md5-crypt " on command line(without quotes )
you will be asked to enter the password and then re enter it. After that you will be provided with a md5 cncrypted password .. Copy it and paste it to the /etc/grub/menu.lst file at the top of the page just after the commented lines as:
password --md5 "encrypted password "
hope dats useful!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Dynamic programming is amazing!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Change wallpapers automatically
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Socket programming in java
Thursday, June 4, 2009
A common problem regerding flash-plugin in firefox-solved!
It's very common that suddenly the flash-plugin in your firefox browser stops working and whenever you open sites requiring flash (e.g. youtube) pop up with messages like : "Ether javascript is not enabled or you have an older version of adobe flash" ... but you check your browser settings and find that javascript is enabled and start to wonder. You then install the latest version of flash through yum or an rpm package but the problem still remains!!
So here's a solution to your problem: Download the .rpm or .tar.gz package from the adobe site and extract it. After browsing through the folders, you would find a file named "libflashplayer.so ". Next,make a directory named "plugins" in /usr/lib/firefox (Note: make this directory in the newest version of firefox if you have updated firefox e.g there might be firefox 3.0.5 and firefox 3.0.10, so make the directory in firefox 3.0.10 ) Just copy this fle into /usr/lib/firefox/plugins.. Close your broswer and restart it ,then check by typing "about:plugins" in the address bar of your browser,you will find a heading "Shockwave Flash"... Well thats it, it done! ... try opening youtube and see a vedio ! hope that helps.......
Friday, March 20, 2009
Back up im mysql- using mysqldump
to backup go in command promt or shell and type:
mysqldump -u username -p name of database to be backed up > name of backup file
password : *******
after this a backup file having .sql xtension will b created .
now to restore the database (first u must copy the .sql file to the computer u want to restote in) go to command prompt of the other computer and write:
mysql -u username -p
$password : ********
this will create the backup database and you are done~~~~~ :)