Sunday, December 19, 2010


This was my first and sadly the last FOSS.IN and as expected, it was full of fun as well as inspiration. Speakers and developers from around the globe had gathered for this event.
On the first day , i got off a little late from my room and reached the spot only to find a long queue for the ID cards. After the formalities, we (Praveen, Prayag and of course me) stepped in the hall.
The first talk was on Wikimedia by Danese Cooper who also said "Wikileaks!= Wikimedia" :)
There were several other talks but i attented a few which included :
Beyond init - Leonart Pottering
Failures of Fedora and what we learned from it -Rahul Sundaram
Day two was even more interesting:
It featured Fedora MiniConf . It included 6 talks. Rahul started it by getting throught the schedule and then Amit talked about virtulisation.This was followed by talk by Arun and then Ankit Patwari and then Shreyank talked about his Four Seasons Of Code.
Later we had a packaging session by Arun Sag.
The last day included another packaging session by Rahul and it was very detailed. Thanks to IRC :)
The event ended with a lively performance by Raghu Dixit , a well known band in Karnatka and the ambience was filled with excitement. Thanks to him , i even learned some Kannad words!!
It was an awesome experience and will be remembered for a long time .
Proud to use Open Source .